Sunday, October 12, 2008


So I can't help myself, I had to post this link to the newest and FINAL movie trailer for Twilight! I am so dang excited for this movie, only a little more than a month now ladies!!!


Jennica said...

Thanks for sharing with us, L-O-V-E those trailers! I can't wait for Twilight to come is going to be so good!!! I wanted to be the first to welcome you to the blogging world, but it looks like Jill beat me to it. =) I am glad you finally gave into all our peer pressure.

jill said...

Thanks, I needed that!! I really needed to rekindle my love for Edward!! I can't wait for the movie to come out! We all need to get a group of girl, and go see the movie together!!

Christi said...

Glad to have found you. I love the blogging world and hope you will, too.

Charlene Roberts said...

So Happy you let me know about your blogg, I had no idea you got this going. I really like your page. Love you sis

Heidi said...

You shouldn't have said I will never put you on my links! HA! I haven't added people for months, but maybe for you. we'll just have to wait and see.

Brooke said...

LOVE the movie too! More like Love the books, waiting for the movie! So I'm excited you started blogging, you're doing wonderfully. I added you to mine, hope that's okay!

Mel said...

And you thought those silly books took up a lot of time...welcome to blogs! Ha Ha!

Heidi said...

Time to feel all warm and fuzzy...